Search results for "Collective bargaining"

A new contract that improves purchasing power for universities of applied sciences

The new contract of universities of applied sciences brings a salary increase on 1 May 2024, which secures the development of purchasing power this year. The general increase is 2.7 percent, and the local instalment is 0.4 percent. There will be no weakening of the terms of the employment conditions.

04.03.2024 News
The OAJ Executive Board approved today the accession protocol of the private social services sector contract

OAJ’s representatives negotiated regarding the private social services sector accession protocol earlier this week, and it was approved by the OAJ Executive Board today.

14.06.2023 News
A New Contract for the Private Social Services Sector – Strikes Sped up the Negotiations

A new collective agreement for the private social services sector. The contract period begins 1 May 2023 and ends 31 December 2025.

13.06.2023 News
Solution found in the negotiations of the private social services sector

The negotiations regarding the private social sector were finalised as the parties were able to agree on a solution.

08.06.2023 News
Three-day strike of the private social service sector starts tomorrow

The mediation did not yield a solution on Tuesday 30 May. The strike affects some of the private daycare centres in Varsinais-Suomi and Uusimaa regions. Also the ban on overtime and shift change continues.

30.05.2023 News
Two-day strike of the private social service sector starts on Tuesday 23 May

The mediation did not yield a solution on Monday 22 May. The strike affects some of the private daycare centres.

22.05.2023 News
A New threat of strike and a new ban on overtime and shift change in the private social services sector

OAJ has given a new notice of strike today to the National Conciliator and Hyvinvointiala ry (Finnish Association of Private Care Providers). The strike threatens private daycare in May 31–June 2.

16.05.2023 News
A new two-year collective agreement for universities and teacher training schools

A new collective agreement has been negotiated for universities. There are two general increases in the first contract year. The increase is 3.5. percent from September 1, 2023, and 2.0 percent from March 1, 2024.

31.03.2023 News
Negotiations finalised for the private education sector

The negotiations regarding the private education sector between OAJ and the Finnish Education Employers were finalised as the parties were able to agree on a solution.

05.08.2022 News
Third notice of strike in the private education sector

Today, OAJ, Trade Union for the Public and Welfare Sectors JHL and Federation of Public and Private Sector Employees Jyty issued a notice of strike concerning fifteen private schools in Helsinki and two private schools in Tampere. Unless a solution is found, a week-long strike will begin on May 3 and ends on May 9.

14.04.2022 News