Member advocacy


Advocacy is your most important membership benefit.

We protect the interests of professionals in the education, training and research sector – from early childhood education to adult education and training. We provide support for different working-life situations – even when things have not gone according to plan.

Members receive assistance and advice concerning their work and the terms of their employment contracts from OAJ-trained shop stewards, and if a matter cannot be resolved locally, the experts at OAJ’s office will help you.

Our website contains plenty of information specifically geared to members.

Diverse advocacy services for members

As a member, you have access to the services of an OAJ-trained shop steward. The shop steward works closely with the teachers and knows the local rules, regulations and contracts, not to mention the conditions of the workplace.

Problems can often be resolved locally

Always remember to discuss a matter first with your supervisor. If that doesn’t help, the contact teachers, shop stewards and association presidents are all there for OAJ members. Most conflicts at work can be resolved by discussing the issue with them.

You can find their contact information on the noticeboards at your workplace and in your association’s announcements.

‘Pay, conditions & help’ page offers support for different working-life situations

Our ‘Pay, conditions & help’ web page provides education, training and research professionals with information about the terms of employment that apply to their sector, as well as tips for different situations they face in working life.

Go to the ‘Pay, conditions & help’ page

When should I contact OAJ’s office?

OAJ’s Advocacy Department serves members in situations that cannot be resolved at the local level. In matters related to pay and employment, there are grounds to contact the experts in OAJ’s Advocacy Department. In legal matters, too, it is a good idea to get in touch directly with OAJ’s lawyers, who handle legal issues related to members’ employment relationships.

Legal expenses insurance safeguards members of OAJ against any possible legal cases they may face in their profession. If legal expenses insurance is necessary, you should first contact OAJ’s lawyers, who will determine the best way to handle any legal issues.

Contact us!
